
Old Holland History. We discovered Autralia, New Zealand, New York and many more parts of this World. We were the first with trade connections in Japan. We colonized other parts of the World (not always the best part of our History)

At first some old impressions of New York (Nieuw Amsterdam) and the States

Then New Zealand, with a old Sailing Ship and Impressions of New Zealand (in French)

Then the Dutch Indies, a part of our history with mixed Feelings. In our diashow pictures of Java, Sumatra, Borneo (Kalimantan), Celebes (Sulawesi), Bali and Nieuw-Guinea (Western New-Guinea)

Naam IslandIn no
Java IN 1 – 40
SumatraIN 40- 56
BorneoIN 57- 71
CelebesIN 72 – 90
Bali IN 92 – 98
Nw-GuineaIN 99,100
Old ShipIN 103 – 107
Java mapIN 39
Sumatra mapIN 54
Borneo mapIN 60
Celebes mapIN 72
Bali and lombokIN 96
BaliIN 97
Nw-GuineaIN 100